Brighton fine line artist makes her mark on the tattoo industry

Brighton fine line artist makes her mark on the tattoo industry

Courtney Burnett

In the vibrant coastal city of Brighton, Italian tattoo artist Alessia Lo Piccolo has made a name for herself. Not only through her distinctive tattoo style that seamlessly blends elegance, femininity, and intricate detail, but also for her commitment to sustainability.

Alma Studio stands as a beacon of eco-friendliness and creativity, reflecting her deep-rooted passion for both art and the environment.

Alessia’s untraditional journey into the world of tattooing began with a love for fine line work, a style she has honed and perfected over the years. She creates unique and personalised tattoos that resonate with each client's individuality.

"My style is hard to label," Alessia explains.

"I prefer to let others describe it because I dislike labels. It’s like appreciating an abstract painting; you either like it or you don’t."

This philosophy underpins Alessia’s approach to her work. Her tattoos are known for their intricate details and fine lines, often drawing inspiration from nature and life around her.

She categorises her work into distinct themes like botanicals, fauna, celestial, and charms, making it easier for clients to choose designs that resonate with them.

Bold, clean lines define Alessia Lo Piccolo’s style and ensure the tattoos last.

Alessia’s career took shape against the backdrop of traditional tattooing norms, which she often found restrictive.

"When I started, I was told by other artists that fine lines wouldn’t last long as they are so  delicate," she recalls.

"But I love the details. They make the big picture, and that’s what I focus on.”

Undeterred, Alessia embraced the challenge. Carefully refining her technique to ensure her fine line tattoos not only endured but also exuded boldness and precision, defining her artistic signature.

Her dedication to her craft is evident in every piece she creates, each one unique and tailored to the individual client.

Alessia prides herself on ensuring that no two tattoos are the same, infusing each with a personal touch that speaks to the client’s desires and her artistic vision.

A key distinguishing feature of Alessia's style is the seamless fusion of elegance and femininity, characterised by fine lines with delicate shadings and occasional solid black details to create contrast.

Embracing a recent introduction of grey wash shadings, her artistry continues to evolve, adding depth and dimension to her intricate designs.

Alessia's creations reflect a harmonious fusion of artistic influences that resonate with individuals and beautifully complement the contours of the body.

Beyond her artistic achievements, Alessia’s commitment to sustainability sets her studio apart. She has implemented numerous eco-friendly practices, from using vegan inks and biodegradable materials to minimising waste and energy consumption.

Guest artist Albee Soso laser-focused on completing her design with care at Alma Studio.

Her studio serves as an inspiration for other artists and businesses to adopt greener practices.

Alessia’s passion for sustainability is as strong as her love for tattooing.

"It's important for me to create art that doesn’t harm the environment," she says.

"Every choice we make has an impact, and I want my studio to reflect my values."

Looking ahead, Alessia dreams of creating larger pieces, particularly botanical designs that cover significant portions of the body.

"I would love to do a big back piece with delicate, fine lines. Something that’s not too invasive but still detailed and beautiful," she shares.

For aspiring tattoo artists, Alessia’s advice is simple yet profound: find your inspiration everywhere.

"Look at other artists for technique, but let everyday life inspire you," she advises.

"Music, films, nature – let these elements influence your designs. That’s how you create something truly unique."

A beautiful tattoo by Alessia Lo Piccolo that showcases her talent and use of fine lines, bold lines, and shading.

Alessia’s story is one of passion, perseverance, and a deep respect for the world around her. In combining her love for fine art and sustainability, she has not only carved out a niche in the tattoo industry but also set a standard for eco-conscious creativity.

Her studio in Brighton is more than just a place to get a tattoo; it’s a testament to the power of following one’s passions while making a positive impact on the planet.


For more information on Alessia’s work and her sustainable practices, visit her studio in Brighton or explore her website.

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